Folk remedies, increase the efficiency of the men it helps to overcome erectile dysfunction and prostate inflammation. They are a stimulates the production of testosterone, which is especially important after the "words menopause". Similar recipes are the women, it helps to overcome the inflammation to normalize the synthesis of estrogen.
The reason for a decline in potency

A factor acting negatively to a potency, may be divided into two groups: psychogenic and organic.
- Fatigue, mental exhaustion due to high loads (greater responsibility for work, emotional and mental stress of learning processing related, or, a large amount of information);
- Depression or subdepressivee conditions;
- Posttromboticeski syndrome (condition after experiencing life's hard they mint a divorce, death of a loved one, etc.);
- Lack of confidence and increased anxiety-related setbacks in his personal life, dissatisfaction with one's appearance, penis size, etc.;
- Hypochondria – an excessive concern for the health, when the people do not a look at most of the existing disease, or is very exaggerated the danger available, afraid to lose virility forever;
- Conflicts between the partners, which will lead to the disappearance of the sexual desire for him.
The word potency
Increase That the the a the words are potency elderly, the children, the young people, you need a large amount of nutrients. To ensure the words are a body vitamins, minerals, which are best suited to folk ways. To increase your word power, the following mineral substances:
- Zinc;
- Selenium;
- The Chrome;
- Magnesium;
- The B-vitamins;
- Vitamin C;
- Vitamin A;
- E-Vitamin.
Rarely can be called traditional methods of fast. Increased potency folk remedy to 3 days of production will be difficult. You need a longer course of treatment. After all, a folk medicine mainly includes natural ingredients. Help immediately, but it's much more stable a effect, a mint stimulant tablets.
One of the most useful, men's products, a pumpkin. The greatest benefit to the form of pumpkin juice, fresh, subjected to no heat treatment to the seeds.
A mango contains high amounts of zinc. This item words body it is necessary that large quantities of testosterone. Which is especially important if the elderly people.
And fatty acids representatives of help the stronger of all ages. After all, a prostate, a modern day much younger, as well as omega-3, is the best prevention.
We have two special bets allow known among the Russian folk methods:
- Balls of pumpkin with honey. Download the meat grinder 0.5 kg fresh seeds, not toasted. Add a glass of fat heart to see tight balls with a diameter of 10 mm. In the morning, the question in, two, three, or these vitamins. A main this recipe in one thing to clean in accordance with the seeds. If you remove the shell, leave it in place, a thin film, and more everything you need to the potency of a micro-nutrients;
- Again, a noise -cleaned the same method you're in a meat grinder. Shape received a bullet to bake, just don't tumble dry. This is a delicious, easy dessert with a cup of tea. Especially if you have a ready-made doughnuts, add honey.
That's not all, a plant is scored. However, it is very useful to enhance the words of a potential. In particular, a big source of the nutrients contains a root of celery. A stem of the desired trace elements a little smaller.
The roots, a celery – one of the best ways to quickly increase the potency of men. A glass of fresh celery juice, law before a, a cozy, bought nature will help you to feel more confident.
Try the following folk remedies in the words of a potency celery:
- Grind the roots, the stalk of celery. Add the chopped carrots, turnips. Mix taste, olive oil, lemon juice, salt should not be added. Use it like a regular salad, tasty, nutritious;
- Dried celery. Grind to a fine powder. A Comfortable to use constantly give us food at the same time improves the efficiency;
- Three roots of a grater. A Package is a mixture, a two-layer cheesecloth, squeezing the juice. 2 tablespoons of a there would be enough sun to enhance the words of a potential. You can add a little honey to be more delicious;
- Finely chop the celery. Add some grapes, chopped given. Dressed with sour cream or other dairy products. A day without damaging the numbers of the questions in the 2 doses, and then quickly back to a potential.
It's a plant, called botanists "the epilobium angustifolium", long used in the Russian folk medicine. A treatment is a words potency are well-suited, leaves, flowers. A light decoction of a willow-herb is an excellent replacement for coffee, Pekoe tea, which is harmful to a activity the male sexual.
The following folk remedy that used to increase efficiency of fireweed:
- Tincture. A glass of hot water and a tablespoon of dried fireweed. Close the lid, keep the 20 minutes. Every morning and evening, to half a drink a Cup of tincture to potency. A course of treatment with a popular method thirty days. Rest as much and, if necessary, repeat;
- Broth. 2 tablespoons dried plants pour into the pan, pour a glass of water. When the water boils, a weaker heat, cover the lid, a light source of in 15 minutes. Turn off the two in a stove, while a pan closed. The Finished soup can drink. The best – 2 tsp three times daily on an empty stomach;
- Tea to drink. Opolaskivaniem cauldron of hot water. We will need 3 tsp. Ivan set-tea pot and some hot water. Brew the tea, pour but the full amount is no hot water, only a third. 7 minutes, add the remaining hot water, a little beer. This may be the drink drunk, a large amount of, and the potency is restored. To taste I add more or less hot water if you like strong or weak tea.
Ginger is one of the components are those which are often used in the folk medicine of the East. It's a root is excellent to use every day to strengthen the efficiency. Contains important vitamins, minerals, manly good a power.
You can use the following folk methods, it improves the potency of men:
- Take fresh ginger root, marinade. We're going to need a pound of product. Cut a thin slices, having removed shell. Have purchased Bank capacity of 3 liters, filled with marinade. We need 1.5 cup of rice vinegar, 3 tbsp. spoon sugar. Add water, mix well. Fill the sliced ginger. Seven hours I can question this;
- Popular This is a method you can use, a mint, dried spices, the ginger, the fresh roots. Take ginger, honey in the ratio 1:1, mix. A place from the cold, within 15 days. Before you go to sleep, the question in this, a couple of spoons. You can use as a useful potency dessert;
- Grate a fresh ginger rhizome, grated, is the best – not the minimum. Fill out the vodka. Ginger ad tincture is always a nutrients, not earlier, than in 12 days. After that you should filter the infusion through a growth. To taste add lemon juice, sugar and a little cinnamon. Before bedtime drink a teaspoon of tincture with water.
How to increase the potency at home?
A high-diet is very beneficial effect on men's sexual life
I didn't want to go to the doctor, many patients are interested in how you can at home to increase your efficiency. Some people have resorted to the use of fast acting medicines. But it is worth considering whether such funds have a number of contraindications. Much better to approach this problem holistically – exercise, balanced diet, as well as the popular method to help you improve the efficiency of the men.
Exercise will help speed up the circulation that ensures the blood flow to the genitals. While a sports production, persistence, positive affect this is under the duration of a sexual contact. To increase the efficiency of encouraging people to the following exercises:
- Squats. You have to perform a classic squat, then return to the starting position. It is recommended to repeat 20-25 times.
- "The steps of a soldier." Follow the steps, lifting the knees to one. Hands you can keep, or the belt insert. I was standing for 1 minute.
- The increase in the pool. Lie on your back, lean on hands, feet, shoulders. Finally a lift, the pool, and then back to the starting position. Exercises should mimic movement of "back and forth". Repeat 25-30 times.
- "Hold on a stone". With your feet shoulder width apart, placing hands on my waist. Slowly squat, gently bending your knees, squatting do not have to run until plaque buildup end. Close this position and the full size handle. Repeat 10-15 and times.
- "Bicycle". Lie on your back, keep your hands on waist. Prosohnut to his knees, then the hands lift up, to perform a kicking motion, simulating Cycling.
- Running on the spot. Running in place, trying not to turn too far away.
Constant, regular sit-ups, improve the activity of the testes, begin to produce more testosterone, which directly affect the potency
To achieve results, Kegel exercises should be performed regularly, gradually increasing the load. Such movement is carried out may be during sexual intercourse in order to increase its duration and to improve quality.
Before the sexual intimacy of the question in the orange it is recommended to increase the duration of the sexual contact
It improves the erection, the men we should stay to a special diet. Are these products that increase your word power, improve your potential. Ezek the following:

- Fish of the sea. Especially good with the words potency effect flounder and mackerel. They contain large amount of phosphorus, which increases the production of words hormones.
- The turnip. It contains many different amino acids to enhance the libido, increase the words to answer. The turnip is not recommended to hepatitis if there are problems with the nervous system.
- A lemon. It is recommended to use immediately before sexual intimacy, mint ezek a fruit prolongs the duration of the sexual contact. In addition, act as antioxidant, healthy, whole body.
- A quail egg. Manufacturers still in raw form, as this is a completely harmless product. Among the variety of amino acids and phosphorus, which enhance the libido, improve the quality of the sexual contact.
- A banana. Contribute to the extension of the very intimacy, as well as acquiring pleasure during. In addition, a banana of the operation of a complete system for improving reproductive.
- Honey, pollen. They contain large amount of protein that is necessary for sexual life is good. Involved in the production of testosterone, a effects drinking becomes noticeable quite quickly.
- Chocolate. Promotes the production of a these hormones can be dangerous, the serotonin, known as a these hormones can be dangerous the pleasure. This product is a increase libido and enhance sensation during intimacy.
In addition, it encourages people such to leave food, like fatty meats, sugary soft drinks, alcoholic drinks, cakes. Ezek the products can worsen erectile function, because of the different gastrointestinal diseases. The amount of salt in the diet should be reduced.
Quick methods
Quickly increase the potency by using some medication and a special massage. Massage technique is contraindicated not cause complications, so the men have a sexual intercourse before you start, we recommend to perform own fold, a massage, a sexual organs.
Massage happens the following rules:
- you have to massage an area of a testes; decreased libido, we recommend you to do it as often as possible.
- The massage can be done daily, and directly before intercourse.
- Massage can be done during sexual intercourse it will help you maintain an erection and increase the duration of intimacy.
- The massage is useful for so-called words menopause, which on average happens after 50 years old.
- Movements during the massage should be smooth, easy, not, it is recommended that a clamp on the movement.
- During the massage does not cause pain or discomfort. When it appears, it is necessary to stop the procedure.
Massage gives you energy, and increases the words a power, but the maximum effect is achieved, only the regular implementation. The massage not only helps to increase efficiency a, home a, but increase the duration. The regular treatments that intimacy is more quality, adding new sensations.
Quickly up the potency of medicines used. Ezek use is recommended only if all other methods do not produce the desired results. One tablet, many contraindications, side effects. The regular intake may lead to addiction. In this case, the erection will not occur without special pills.
Folk remedy to enhance the words are not potency immediately. However, if you don't have such a serious medical illness will help to restore techniques men's power without harm to health, and for a long time.