In today's world, almost one in four people have problems with the potential. To improve the situation, the man appointed by synthetic drugs, which at the time was to improve the situation. However, these funds do not cure the disease, but only temporarily improves the potential.
Natural way to increase the efficiency
If you experience erectile dysfunction need to consult a doctor, before you do that, then try the natural way to heal the body.

- Food. The food contains vitamins and minerals: b vitamins, C, E, zinc.
- Physical activity. There is evidence that a sedentary lifestyle leads to the violation of erectile function. So you have to find the time to exercise, try to lead an active lifestyle.
- While sedentary work can perform Kegel exercises, the result can be noticed after 1-2 weeks.
- Mass. The excess weight leads to heart disease, diabetes, general poor health. Obesity, the testosterone level in the blood is reduced, the content of female hormones, on the contrary, increase. The above factors lead to the deterioration of the potential.
- The bad habits. Smoking, alcohol, drugs, reduces the male erection. Improve your potential in a natural way bad habits should be completely rejected.
- The stress. Psychological experience, it really has an effect on the sexual function. The people you should try to avoid the stress, the depression, if he alone can not cope, seek medical help.
- Sleep. Need to sleep at least 8 hours, because sleep disorders can also interfere with the normal potency.
Natural remedies to increase male potency
When the person begins to notice disorders, sexual function may be used in a natural way.
Badger fat
This is a natural remedy to increase the efficiency of the men, which helps prevent inflammation and contains vitamins, amino acids. This is taken orally, the pre-melting.
Bear fat
In addition to the natural form, it can be taken in capsules. Bear fat is very useful, contains vitamins, fatty acids, substances that stimulate the production of hormones.
The egg contains large amounts of vitamins: A, B, D, magnesium, folic acid, phosphorus, selenium and many other elements necessary for the normal potency. You can eat chicken, quail eggs, the latter – the content of the nutrients a lot more.
Beaver spring
This substance, which is secreted from the sex glands of beavers, the structure contains a number of important elements. Jet can be used in the form of decoction, infusion, or powder, of which the following positive actions: regulates the cardiovascular system, reduces inflammation, positively affect the genitals.
Apiculture products
Dead bees, and pollen is a very effective tool, which helps to improve the potential. Pollen the pollen, which is processed in the saliva of the bees. This product improves the sperm production, strengthens the immune system, and contains large amounts of vitamins, amino acids. Dry bees, made the soup, which should be consumed within a month.
Plants, herbs
It is proven that drinking herbal tea is also very positive impact on the sexual function of men. You should pay attention to the herbs such as: parsley, thyme, nettle. Such plants, like celery, is also very good. Improve your potential, it is recommended walnut, honey.